Independent trade unions of Kazakhstan unite to achieve their main goal – ensuring decent wages to all workers and employees.


On June 5, 2019, a round table was held in Almaty on the theme: “Questions of ratification of the ILO Convention No. 131 and the key tasks of trade unions”. The organizers of the round table were: “Kazakhstan Confederation of Labor”, Commonwealth of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan “Amanat” and “Institute of Modern Society Research”. Representatives of the International Labor Organization (ILO): Sergejus GLAVATSKAS (Head of the European and Central Asian Sector Office for Workers’ Activities) and Gocha ALEXANDRIA (Workers Activities Specialist of the ILO Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia) took part in the round table.
The participants of the round table discussed the ratification of ILO Convention No. 131 “On the establishment of the minimum wage with particular reference to developing countries”, the key tasks of trade unions, as well as the main provisions of the draft “Concept of a unified wage system of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. We discussed the state of the institution of social partnership, some aspects of its regulatory legal framework, as well as the republican tripartite commission on social partnership and regulation of social and labor relations.
The resolution of the round table was adopted.