On June 3, an online conference was held with the participation of the International Labor Organization (ILO)

On June 3, an online conference was held with the participation of the International Labor Organization (ILO), at which representatives of the “Aqniet” Kazakhstani labour union of healthcare workers presented the report “Responding to the challenges of COVID-19 through analyzing the activities of the labour union, identifying ways to build the capacity of the labour union and stimulating social dialogue in the health sector of Kazakhstan”.*The report was prepared jointly with the chairman of “Aqniet” KLUHW Bakytzhan Tazhibay and presented at the conference by Lyazzat Kusainova, Master of Political Science, PhD, President of the International Center for Scientific Collaborations. The document was being prepared for three months, during which adopted normative legal acts, the Government’s responses to the deputies ‘requests, analytical information from open sources, medical workers’ requests and responses to them, etc. were collected, studied and analyzed.*According to the author of the analytical report, the report’s uniqueness lies in the fact that it was originally initiated by the labour union of health workers, and can serve as a starting point for an equal dialogue between labour union organizations, the Government and authorized bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan in addressing issues of protecting labor rights and interests of health workers.*“Aqniet” KLUHW expresses gratitude to Lazzat Kusainova for joint work. We are confident that the work performed will be worthy of appreciated and will contribute to the promotion of social dialogue in the health sector, protection of the rights and interests of workers.