Speech of the Kazakhstan delegate, Larissa Boyar during the International Seminar on Commerce in France

We are representatives of the Republican trade union “Amanat”, which includes branch trade unions of workers in the service and trade sectors, the mining and metallurgical complex, healthcare, education.And we are also faced with the global problem of the dominance of capital, which has no borders!
As everyone knows, the sphere of service and trade is most unprotected industry everywhere, because there is no force and body uniting them, workers are very scattered and defenseless.
This sphere was not under control before the creation of Amanat. The workers were powerless. Strikes become more frequent! Nobody heard the workers!
Only “Amanat” began to work in this sphere!
There are two trade unions, expect us, but we are the only ones created on a socialistic basis and independent of the state and government.Yes, we are a young union!We are under enormous pressure! But we are fighting!
Intervention by state bodies, the control of trade unions in enterprises, state control over trade unions …That’s what we’re fighting! We are restoring the working class! We’re rebuilding the unions!We are trying to gain our position among the world of capital. And your struggle is an example to us!Your solidarity gives us the power! Because we belong to a large family of the World Federation of Trade Unions! “Amanat” expresses our support and solidarity in the implacable struggle of our French brothers!
I want to note that “Amanat” is taking steps to create the Workers’ party, the Labor party, the Party of the working man! The Party based on the positions of socialism!We will change the Law, we will change the consciousness of people! And also we need the support of our brothers and sisters! Our big family of the world Federation!